honour n. 1.荣誉,光荣;名誉,面子,体面。 2.节操,廉耻,正直;道义;贞操。 3.尊敬,敬意。 4.高位,高官;〔His H-, Your H-〕阁下〔英国主要用于尊称地方法官,美国用于尊称一般法官〕。 5.荣典,叙勋;徽章,勋章;〔pl.〕敬礼式。 6.荣幸,优惠,优待。 7.〔 pl.〕(大学中的)优等成绩;给优等生开设的高级课程;〔英国〕优等成绩奖金。 8.纸牌中价值最高的牌〔如 A,K,Q,J,及10〕。 9.(高尔夫球的)先打权。 10.荣幸〔客套语〕。 11.光荣的人,光荣的事〔与不定冠词连用〕。 business honour商业信用。 a debt of honour(无字据的)信用借款。 H- and profit lie not in one sack. 〔谚语〕荣誉和私利,决不在一起。 May I have the honour of your company at dinner 敬备菲酌,恭请光临。 His H- the Judge 法官阁下。 pass with honour in mathmatics 数学考试成绩优异。 an honour's degree 优等学位。 a sense of honour荣誉感,廉耻心。 funeral [last] honours 葬礼。 The honours rest with him. 集荣誉于一身,他获得很大成功。 military honours 军葬礼;军礼。 an affair of honour决斗。 a roll of honour 阵亡烈士名单。 be on one's honour to do sth. =be in honour bound to do sth. ,be bound in honour to do sth. 道义上必须做某事。 come off with honour 光荣地完成。 compromise one's honour 累及名誉。 do honour to 给…带来荣誉,对…表示敬意。 do the honours (of the house) 作主人招待宾客,尽地主之谊。 for (the) honour of 【商业】为顾全…的信用起见。 guards of honour 仪仗队。 give [pay] honour to 向…致敬。 give one's word of honour 用名誉担保。 go in for honours 〔大学用语〕考取优等。 graduate [pass] with honours 优等毕业〔考试成绩优等〕。 hold sb. in honour 敬重某人。 honour bright 〔口语〕誓必,一定;以名誉担保。 in honour 道义上。 in honour of 向…表示敬意,为祝贺…,为纪念…。 maid of honour 1. 宫女。 2. 〔美国〕女傧相。 make honours to sb. 向某人致敬。 on [upon] one's (word of) honour 以名誉担保。 pledge one's honour 用名誉担保。 point of honour 有关体面的事。 put sb. on his honour 信任某人会重视他的名誉。 save one's honour 保全面子。 the code [law] of honour 1. 公认的行为准则。 2. 决斗惯例。 the honour's list 受勋者名单。 the honourof war 给与战败军队的优待〔如允许其保留武器、旗帜等〕。 with honours easy 优势均等。 vt. 1.尊敬;尊重;给与荣誉,给与…的光荣;以…为荣;向…授勋 (with) 礼遇。 2.接受;【商业】承认如期付款,承兑(票据),兑现。 honoura debt in advance 提前还债。 honourone's promise 实践诺言。
He lives and dies for the honour of his particular god . 他为他所供奉的那个神的荣誉而生,为它而死。
Two skinny men shouldered each other aside for the honour of bringing up the stool and placing it in the shade by the wall . 两个瘦骨嶙峋的汉子一左一右扛着一张凳子,以示隆重,然后把凳子放到墙边荫凉处。
We fight for the honour of those that have gone before 我们为逝去的人的荣誉而战。
" indeed , you are mistaken , madam . i have not been at all able to account for the honour of seeing you here . “夫人,你实在想错了,我完全不明白你这次怎么这样看得起我们,会到这种地方来。 ”
It is possible , said the uncle , with great calmness . for the honour of the family , i could even resolve to incommode you to that extent “有可能, ”叔父极其平静地说, “为了家族的荣誉,我是可能下决心干扰你到那种程度的。
" may i hope , madam , for your interest with your fair daughter elizabeth , when i solicit for the honour of a private audience with her in the course of this morning ? “太太今天早上我想要请令嫒伊丽莎白赏光,跟我作一次私人谈话,你赞成吗? ”
No , gentlemen , no you mustnt think i quite understand , youre wrong in thinking that of me i for me for the honour of the regiment id but why talk “不是,先生们,不是您甭以为我十分明了您对我抱有那种看法是毫无根据的我为我自己为兵团的光荣不是么?
But look where pretty gets you : a humiliating 4 - 1 defeat at liverpool , another pot - free season and a slightly grubby scramble for the honour of finishing fourth above bolton 然后再看看悦目足球可以令你达到什么地步:一场在利物浦丢脸的4 - 1败仗、另一个两手空空的赛季、还有些微丑陋地爬在博尔顿之前争取第四名的荣誉。