
for the honour of中文是什么意思

  • 为了...的信用



  • 例句与用法
  • He lives and dies for the honour of his particular god .
  • Two skinny men shouldered each other aside for the honour of bringing up the stool and placing it in the shade by the wall .
  • We fight for the honour of those that have gone before
  • " indeed , you are mistaken , madam . i have not been at all able to account for the honour of seeing you here .
    “夫人,你实在想错了,我完全不明白你这次怎么这样看得起我们,会到这种地方来。 ”
  • It is possible , said the uncle , with great calmness . for the honour of the family , i could even resolve to incommode you to that extent
    “有可能, ”叔父极其平静地说, “为了家族的荣誉,我是可能下决心干扰你到那种程度的。
  • " may i hope , madam , for your interest with your fair daughter elizabeth , when i solicit for the honour of a private audience with her in the course of this morning ?
    “太太今天早上我想要请令嫒伊丽莎白赏光,跟我作一次私人谈话,你赞成吗? ”
  • No , gentlemen , no you mustnt think i quite understand , youre wrong in thinking that of me i for me for the honour of the regiment id but why talk
  • But look where pretty gets you : a humiliating 4 - 1 defeat at liverpool , another pot - free season and a slightly grubby scramble for the honour of finishing fourth above bolton
    然后再看看悦目足球可以令你达到什么地步:一场在利物浦丢脸的4 - 1败仗、另一个两手空空的赛季、还有些微丑陋地爬在博尔顿之前争取第四名的荣誉。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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